Monday 30 July 2012

re-watching movies by Christopher Nolan :The Prestige

Christopher Nolan did such an awesome job with the Dark Knight Rises that i had to watch The prestige again
I already watch Inception for like the 5th time or something
The prestige was awesome, and in someway may have been better that the dark knight itself
but its not fair to compare two very different movie with one another.
I gave it 9.5/10.
I noticed that Chris Nolan has a tendency to pick the same actors and actresses in his movie.
If you want to see Batman, Alfred, wolverine and black widow in the same movie watch The Prestige. 

My fav line from the movie : 
Now you're looking for the secret...But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking... You don't really want to know..You want to be fooled

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