Wednesday 25 May 2011

A little bit on Johnny

Johnny is one of 3 of my cute lil rabbits
I got Johnny from Pasar Satok in Kuching sarawak wif Mr Fay
Mr Fay is a very important person in my life but we'll get to that later
Johnny is actually a female rabbit
of course when we bought her we didn't know dat she was female
I love her so damn much
(the other one which we thought was a female but is actually a male we name him Moe)
at first i was hesitant to get a pet
i can hardly took care of myself let alone take care 2 other creature
but after we got them ..... I fell in love

Johnny resting after a run on the grass ... very hard to catch her back

Rite now im very worried of her health n well being as im in KL. Johnny n another one of my rabbit Kecik is taken care by someone else while I was taking my First Prof Exam and while I was in KL . Moe died a month earlier and I was devastated. I can't blame the person who took care of him. I know she did her best.
This is Johnny n Kecik in the care of a friend while I was away
she doesn't know a thing or 2 about rabbits
so maybe I will let makcik cleaner who really loves rabbit take care of my bunnies when i go to sibu next sem
i think they're better off wif makcik cleaner

I blame myself for not being there when he needed me most.
This is one of the things that I will always regret
I love you Moe, Kecik , Johnny
Moe you will always have a special place in my heart

I like to think that there's a heaven for rabbits where they can run free on the grass , endless supply of pellet and hay just for you Moe
may you rest in peace
i love you

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