Tuesday 14 June 2011

Kungfu Panda 2 - prepare for awesomeness

where i watch = GSC one utama

If you like the first movie then u will definitely like this awesome sequel...

the movie is really fun for the whole family n has such heartwarming message

the fight sequence are really kewl

its like watching real kung fu
Angelina Jolie is super kewl as Tigress and Jack Black although not so funny in Gulliver is damn funny in this movie as the Panda Po

"Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn't make you who you are, it is the rest of your story, who you choose to be."

I think I cried a little watching this movie
(I cried a lot watching Toy Story 3)

hmmm for Po n the Furious 5 = 7.5/10

Ah, my old enemy. Stairs .............."

shifu doesn't get a lot of appearance in this movie .... but he did come at the end to help Po

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