Thursday 2 June 2011

Priest - Point A meet f**king point B ha3

where i watch this movie : cineleisure damansara

the movie poster is pretty cool n breathtaking
dark n creepy - i like .......
but the movie turn out to be a let down .......
its a decent vampire movie
all the scenes are like - been there, done that
the jet powered motorcycle is sumtin new - i really like those bikes
storyline are pretty predictable
i knew priest is actually the girl's father from the start

not much of memorable lines except for
Point A meet f**king point B
n that's it

when the movie ends its like the movie should've just started
priest n priestess took off on their bikes to find more priest so that they can kill the vamp queen which is not kill in this movie .......
love the fact that the vampire in this movie are ugly

i watch this movie midnight at cineleisure
it was 11pm n all the shopping malls r closed
as i walk i kept looking back at the avatar figure afraid that it might come to live n chase me wif its spear .....

overall = 6/10
oh yeah n dun bother watching this movie in 3D
its pretty much pointless

p/s: isn't priest the same dude who play michael in legion ? such a spiritual guy .... must be the next keanu reaves ..... later he can take all the roles as father, priest, bishop .......

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