Friday 11 November 2011

Megan Fox - Confessions of a Drama Queen HD part 1

i don't even remember megan fox was in this movie

Lindsay Lohan - Drama Queen (That Girl) - Official Music Video (Enhan...

hello there childhood memmories - hillary duff, lindsay lohan , raven
lindsay please come to your senses
you are talented
love ur movies and i always thought dat ur songs were under rated
wish u all the best

Untamed & Uncut - Crocodile Death Roll

they see me rolling
they hating ...

Can you believe what you see ? omg étonnant

African Lions with Kevin Richardson

African Lions with Kevin Richardson

Getting morning love from the lions

they're just lyke cats
only bigger

Woman Who Lives With Lions,Tigers and Cheetahs!

How Most Men React to the Idea of Getting Married!

How Most Men React to the Idea of Getting Married!

Sunday 6 November 2011

Nightrunner - batman of paris

Bilal Asselah, a French-Algerian was raised by his single mother on the outskirts of Paris, France. Though peaceful, on Bilal's 16th birthday, he and his friend Aarif were caught in the middle of a French-Muslim protest, and beaten mercilessly by the police force. That night Aarif was killed by police. After hearing of his friend's death, Bilal would forever be changed. Bilal decided to adopt a masked identity and would become the Nightrunner.
Batman recuited him and he is to be Batman's representative in Paris. Dick grayson stayed in Paris for a while as batman to train nightrunner.
I love nightrunner's costume design.

It’s a pity that he’s getting negative reviews coz he's a muslim. Some argue that the crime fighting representative of France isn’t even french. But the last tyme i checked u can be a muslim and a french at the same time.

Haters gonna hate. Still remember the fuzz over Heimdall being played by a black actor.

i wonder what will happen if nightrunner has to fight against spiderpig. That would be funny.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Thor - Deleted Scene (Loki i love you!!!!)

thor deleted scene - such love between brothers terharu
People would have like Loki mre than thor if they'd seen this
i have sided with yet another villain in a movie
Loki will be bringing sexy back in the avengers <3 <3

Saturday 17 September 2011

fACTS on Girls

another junk from facebook .... must be a response to facts about guys

When you catch a girl
glancing at you,
she wants you to look
back and smile

When a girl bumps into your arm
while walking with you
she wants
you to hold her hand

When she wants a hug
she will just stand there

When u break a girls heart
she still feels it when
you run into each other 3 years later

When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her

When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply

When a girl looks at you with eyes full of
she is wondering how long you will be

When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a
few seconds,
she is not at all fine

When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing games

When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever

When a girl says she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future

When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more
than that

When a girl is mean to you after a break-up
she wants you back, but shes
scared she'll get hurt and knows
you're gone forever

Facts about Guys

this is some lame ass post i pulled out of facebook
ha3 .. but someone ran into my mind as i was reading this so i'm just gonna post it

Guy Facts:

When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you

When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...

When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong

When a guy says, "I'm fine." after a few
he means it

When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and
wonders if you do

When your laying your head on a guy's
he has the world

When a guy calls/texts/comments you everyday,
he is in love

When a (good) guy tells you he loves you,
he means it

When a guy says he can't live without you,
he's with you til your done

When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else

Thursday 15 September 2011

airasia fucked up customer service

its like making a deal with the devil cheap fare (not that cheap) terrible service ......

hi airasia
my flight from sibu to KL is delayed from 20.25 to 23.25
how fucking retarded is that ?
i have another flight to catch to singapore
how can u delay untill three hours
then when i try to call your fucking call service centre
after the stupid commercial no body pick up n all of a sudden i was charge up to rm6.00
such a lame ass airline you are air asia
have you no consideration on your customers ?
now everyone can fly my ass
u can't simply delay the flight for three hours
this has happen from time to time
i thought your service could've been better as time goes by
but it proves to deteriorate even worse
soon if you keep this fuck up service of yours you will face bankruptcy
i wish you do

Saturday 10 September 2011

Dan Carter and his Cat


so cute :)
both Dan and the cat

6% tax on Prepaid ...... :) Najib u r 1 kewl dude

Tune Talk = Tune Tax
DiGi = Tax Will Follow You
Celcom (X Pax) = Got X, Got Tax
U Mobile = U Must Pay Tax
Maxis (Hotlink) = Tax Unlimited

Friday 9 September 2011

Petknode sial .....

Thank God hari tu decided to bring my cat along blk kmpg hari raye
I want the cats saved n the owner of petknode to be punished
i heard that there are 100 or so cats still missing
y aren't the police taking action on these people
ask them where are those cats
this news will probably die within months
how many cases of animal cruelty n abuse do u see brought to justice ??
a dude n his girlfriend stomping on his poodle dog n thrashing the dog around ?
what happen to that guy ?
a girl killing kitten with an umbrella , what happen to her ? was she punished ? the story made headline news but then nothing happen .... no actions were taken against her .......
y open a pet store if u dun even love animals
this is just too cruel
a lot of cats n kittens died
total massacre

I'm just a student .. Tax on prepaid ???? r u kidding me .........

i'm just a student
i dun have any income
duit pown mintak kat mak bapak
seriously .....
miskin sgt kah kamoo Malaysian Gov that u need to put tax on every little thing ?
kalau mkn kat secret recipe , johnnys , kenny rogers just look at the tax sampai rm6-8 .. x campur service charge lg ........
the people who run the malaysia gov are really awesome

Linkin Park - The Catalyst live Red Square

Great audience
i wanna go to a concert now !!!

Linkin Park - Bleed it out live at Red Square 2011 HD

chester's voice is kinda hoarse n unclear
but that's wat u get after singing 10 songs already
poor thing ... he's tired
he still rocks
i love LP

Linkin Park - "What I've Done" (live in Red Square)

Linkin Park never fail to amaze me :)
although people say their new album is crap
i still love them

Linkin Park - "Iridescent" (live in Red Square)

Sunday 31 July 2011

Catwoman - Dating Batman

Harley Quinn and Joker

Joker is my fav supervillain of all
Harley n Joker is such a dysfunctional couple
Harley was initially a psychiatrist in Arkham's Asylum
while analyzing what was so wrong in the Joker's brain that made him such a psychotic person
Harley then falls hopelessly in love with The Joker n become his partner in crime

But poor Harley's love is never really accepted by the joker
he uses her from time to time n try to dispose of her any chance that he get
there's one time when joker needs harley's help to dispose of his former workers, harley was really excited to help not knowing that she was also in the list ....
batman came n help her then
she returns to arkham's asylum n met poison ivy n they became best friend

Batman n catwoman

I'm Loving this couple rite here
Catwoman is one of Bruce wayne famous love interest
It would be so cool if they are together

They were always flirting during their fights .... such chemistry

I know most people said that no woman is ever good enough for Batman
But i think selina kyle n bruce wayne will make a really nice pair
Cat woman is wild and unpredictable ... wonder if batman is able to tame her

Anne Hathaway will play catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises Christopher Nolan do ur best !!! Don't disappoint me like what Michael Bay did ....... curse u michael bay .... u make megatron look like an effing idiot .....

Currently reading Gotham City Siren --- (its my brother's)
really like it when girls team up together to survive the world

catwoman, harley n poison ivy make a really great team

is it weird for me to like these fanboys fantasy ?

i also enjoy watching sucker punch .............
perhaps there's a side of me that even i don't really know yet

(but i still think jared leto's jesus abs is damn awesome so it is safe to say i'm not attracted to girls ..... not just yet)

Saturday 30 July 2011

bleach bankai ---- my fav is byakuya's

*Goukei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

*Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

*Shuukei Hakuteikken

pki Baju MU tgk liverpool lawan malaysia --- kene boo n suro tanggal baju by liverpool fan

Malaysia Vs Liverpool Asia Tour 2011
yikes cian nyer
i cannot bear to watch
mcm highskewl bully
football is scary

Wednesday 20 July 2011

My Moment - Rebecca Black ---- haters see u l8ter

rebecca black has come a long way since friday
despite haters hatin on her n various parody made about her im surprise that she still got the guts to sing another song let alone made a mv
of course this song has more dislikes than likes already
her voice is still autotune like crazy in this song
but its not as catchy as friday
i'll still be singing friday in my shower
friday friday friday

Monday 4 July 2011

Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall

must be a pain to make this music vid
but coldplay is still awesome as hell

Get Out of My Head Miley (comel)

in the end this dude get to meet miley cyrus for real hahahaha
cardboard rehab LOL

Hey Ya (Acoustic Cover) - matt weedle

i found this song thru an episode of scrubs "my soul on fire"
i never thought this song could have an acoustic cover
damn awesome
jd , turk , dr cox, elliot , carla, ted, the janitor, dr kelso
gosh i miss scrubs
fav character is dr perry cox
he's exactly like my lecturer in med skool
one of the most romantic episode in scrubs

My baby don't mess around
Because she loves me so
And this I know for shooo..
Uh, But does she really wanna
But can't stand to see me
Walk out the dooor..
don't try to fight the feelin'
Because the thought alone is killing me right nooww..
Uh, thank god for mom and dad
For sticking two together
'Cause we don't know hooowww...

Muse (Supermassive Black Hole) - Acoustic Cover

strong voice for a lady - sexy
this is awesome
u set my soul alight
glaciers meltin in the dead of night
and the superstar suck into the supermassive
i love acoustic cover cover like this

Lady GaGa singing Viva La Vida

owh lady gaga u crazy bitch
will u ever come to Malaysia ??????
probably not

Tuesday 28 June 2011

I Will Follow You Into The Dark (rest in peace my dearest friend Johnny)

I love you Johnny
sorry i couldn't save you
may u rest in peace with Moe by ur side
i will always love you
I will always remember you
My beloved dearest friend Johnny

X Files creepy music .........

This music still give me the creeps
i can't never listen to this at night
btw i haven't post in a while because of Johnny's death
i love you my dear Johnny
i love you

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Kungfu Panda 2 - prepare for awesomeness

where i watch = GSC one utama

If you like the first movie then u will definitely like this awesome sequel...

the movie is really fun for the whole family n has such heartwarming message

the fight sequence are really kewl

its like watching real kung fu
Angelina Jolie is super kewl as Tigress and Jack Black although not so funny in Gulliver is damn funny in this movie as the Panda Po

"Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn't make you who you are, it is the rest of your story, who you choose to be."

I think I cried a little watching this movie
(I cried a lot watching Toy Story 3)

hmmm for Po n the Furious 5 = 7.5/10

Ah, my old enemy. Stairs .............."

shifu doesn't get a lot of appearance in this movie .... but he did come at the end to help Po

X-men First Class is so effin awesome

where i watch = mbo spring

I really love n enjoyed this movie
so dang awesome
The movie is set back when magneto n Prof X were buddies (awwwww)

"Us turning on each other. It's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us, together, protecting each other. We wan
t the same thing."
this is the turning point when they become enemies. Magneto's Brotherhood vs Professor X Xmen.

Magneto and Professor X is the ultimate frenemies

watching Magneto turn evil is like watching Anakin Skywalker turning into Darth Vader all over again.
We know they're bound to become evil sooner or later but its fun to watch.

I like the part where they're rounding up mutants .... we waited for another x men movie for too long ..... i think x men is the reason why people watch Heroes on the first place . We love people with super awesome abilities .

This movie also shows the beginning of the relationship between mystique and magneto

"I used to think it was going to be you and me against the world. But no matter how bad the world gets, you don’t want to be against it, do you? You want to be a part of it."

N now i Know why professor x needs a wheelchair (the movie didn't explain why he was bald though)

anyway this movie is a really kewl n I highly recommend it = 8.5/10

X-Men: First Class - wolverine "Go fuck yourselves"

Exactly what it says on the title
wolverine is such a badass character
i do not read the comic so i don't get how wolverine is older than Prof X n Magneto
but then later my brother explain that wolverine doesn't age like other characters in the movie
he ages slowly that means he's actually very old ...............
okie dokie
now i know why magneto was so eager to kill him the next time they met
"ur the dude who told me to fuck myself"
haha LOL
wouldn't be an X-men movie without wolverine

Thursday 2 June 2011

Priest - Point A meet f**king point B ha3

where i watch this movie : cineleisure damansara

the movie poster is pretty cool n breathtaking
dark n creepy - i like .......
but the movie turn out to be a let down .......
its a decent vampire movie
all the scenes are like - been there, done that
the jet powered motorcycle is sumtin new - i really like those bikes
storyline are pretty predictable
i knew priest is actually the girl's father from the start

not much of memorable lines except for
Point A meet f**king point B
n that's it

when the movie ends its like the movie should've just started
priest n priestess took off on their bikes to find more priest so that they can kill the vamp queen which is not kill in this movie .......
love the fact that the vampire in this movie are ugly

i watch this movie midnight at cineleisure
it was 11pm n all the shopping malls r closed
as i walk i kept looking back at the avatar figure afraid that it might come to live n chase me wif its spear .....

overall = 6/10
oh yeah n dun bother watching this movie in 3D
its pretty much pointless

p/s: isn't priest the same dude who play michael in legion ? such a spiritual guy .... must be the next keanu reaves ..... later he can take all the roles as father, priest, bishop .......

through stone and sea - noble dead saga

i've finally had time to read the second book to the second series of the noble dead saga
such an awesome book
yes it's a book about vampires (i'm obsessed wif these creatures of the dark except for sparkly ones)
this is not just another vampire novel
the noble dead saga came from the time where vampire suck blood instead of ......
it's not just about vampires
its a fantasy novel so it includes elves, dwarves, and a variety of other creatures such as the seylif, cheinna, n some sea creature called urshig something i just read in this novel (its like middle earth but with vampires RAWR :)
the main character is a dhampir although the second series shift the focus to wynn the sage
i wish something more happened between chane and wynn
i love the trio of chane, wynn, and shade
i would really love it if chane and shade become best buddies although they're natural enemies
after all they do have a common interest - to protect wynn
i really like chane ... from his first appearance in thieves of lives ... i fell in love
his pride, novelty, chivalry, thirst for knowledge, his looks (duhhhh)
n i really like chane's protective instinct over wynn
he's like her guardian angel , her savior in times of need (i could use sumone like that)
the next book is called of truth and beast
i bet its gonna be amazing
n i can't wait for the third series where magiere, leesil n chap will return

maybe next time i'll post a picture of my noble dead book series collection
if u wish to know more about the noble dead saga .......

Thursday 26 May 2011

Just Go with It : Another adam sandler movie


where I watch this movie : MBO spring Kuching

It was never my intention to watch this movie .... I wanted to watch sucker punch but my friend said that sucker punch is a boy's fantasy movie filled with guns n hot babes (i so wanna watch samurai with gattling guns) so she drag me to watch adam sandler making lame ass jokes .....
The movie is a chick flick (duhh....) but I actually enjoyed the movie with the presence of jennifer aniston n nicole kidman .... yeah there's that annoying british-wanna-be kid (swear to god she's annoying) but it was ok. I always thought that nicole kidman is a tight ass chick who only play serious roles but it turns out that she can pull off a romantic comedy movie as jenn aniston's rival Devlin .....

The story is about Danny (adam sandler) who's a plastic surgeon and a major player who likes to pull tricks to get a one night stand with a girl (barney stinson's apprentice). One of his trick is to wear a wedding ring n said that his wife beat him up to get sympathy from the girls. One day Danny met a girl named Palmer (brooklyn decker) and after a night on the beach wif her, judging from the size of her huge rack he immediately decided that she's 'the one' ........
but Palmer saw his wedding ring n instead of being honest with her which probably solve the crisis he decided to lie ......
shake hands girls b4 the cat fight

jenn : im so hawt .... brad pitt must be drooling full of regrets

he hired his assistant katherine (jenn aniston) who has two kids to become his pretend wife. Everything comes with a price and to bribe katherine to go with the lie he takes her to a shopping spree after all she is impersonating as a plastic surgeon's wife .... suddenly the not-so-hawt katherine turns out to be a babe after a lil bit of Gucci and Prada ........  

so what will happen next ........
will danny n kath realize their that they're actually in love wif each other after all these years ???? = predictably yes .......

one lies falls onto another lie as you'll see in this movie .... that's why its not so good to lie ... you have to create another lie to cover up another lie ........

overall this movie is a 5.5/10 :) im being generous 2day

30 seconds To mars - link to illuminati ????

Everybody knows about the illuminati conspiracy theory.
I don't really enjoy reading much on conspiracy theories such as the illuminati crap n how the world is about to end on 21 may last satureday. Somehow paranoid people manage to link every artist in the music industry are related to illuminati in some manner or the other including Lady Gaga (yes she's weird), kanye west(prabably coz he disses taylor swift in vma, now he's considered illuminati puppet), including my dear Jared Leto .......

Why do you listen to that emo band 30 sec To Mars ???
hey dun say that !! 30 sec to mars is one heck awesome band. Yes they're a bit emo but so is my chemical romance and every other band these days. Jared Leto 'hotness' has nothin to do wif why I like 30 sec to Mars (haha I LOLed at myself while writin this crap) .

What kind of guy would wear mascara ???
Grrrr stop attackin Jared effin Leto. He's awesome .......

So why is 30 Second to Mars linked to friggin illuminati again ????

So lets humor me and just go wif the paranoia of the illuminati conspiracy theory ...
as I was reading the illuminati thingie I realized n understood why they think 30 sec to mars is sumhow related to illuminati. Humor me please ......

1. Capricorn
- now the antichrist in the illuminati theory is born on the zodiac capricorn n guess wat ? 30 sec to mars has a song just about capricorn. Even the lyrics sort of feed the paranoia of the theory.

So I run and hide and tell myself I'll
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
well you see illuminati paranoid people r obsessed wif the all seing eye of the antichist n the lyric of this song continues to feed their paranoia. In the capricorn vid all the folks are digging the ground searching for sumtin despite being stopped  by the police. Muslims n christians believes that the antichrist is hiding n trapped underground for now n he will appear one day to create a new world order.

2. This is war
- okay the only thing i can relate is the lyric n again the vid.
A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is war
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah
This is war

To the right
To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first
perhaps people r scared of the new world 30 sec kept on singing over n over in this song. Resemblance to the new world order of the illuminati. But when interviewed shannon leto said that this song is about peace (i believe you shannon , ur 1 hawt drummer). The theme of the music video is "if we don't end war, war will end us" (so true). In the vid again all the weapons, helicopters, tanks, ships are flying forming a massive pyramid. In the conspiracy theory pyramids are created for the arrival of the antichrist n its also the official symbol of the illuminati.
I believe in nothing
Not in satan, not in god
I believe in nothing - i dun hav to elaborate this one do I

3. From Yesterday
jared leto is effin hawt in this vid. The part when he put on that warrior suit n we saw his jesus abs >_<
He's a stranger to some
And a vision to none
He can never get enough,
Get enough of the one

For a fortune he'd quit
But it's hard to admit
How it ends and begins
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
From yesterday, it's coming!
From yesterday, the fear!
From yesterday, it calls him
But he doesn't want to read the message here

On a mountain he sits, not of gold but of shit
through the blood he can look, see the life that he took
From council of one
He'll decide when he's done with the innocent

On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
On his face is a map of the world
(A map of the world)
hmmmm who the hell r u talking about ? who's coming ? is it the antichrist dude ? hmmm i wonder who ...

zac efron , jared leto long lost brother - yet another conspiracy theory must be behind this haha
4. Hurricane
No matter how many deaths that I die I will never forget
No matter how many lives I live, I will never regret
There is a fire inside and it started a riot about to explode into flames
Where is your god? Where is your god? Where is your god?

the vid had a bunch of people from different religion Muslims, Christians, Jews burning their holy books. Jared leto was shirtless in this vid this must be the biggest conspiracy ever (haha). But i am seriously disturb by the s&m scene in this vid (disgusting shit)

enough of this shit now .... im going to bed (yawn) 
i'll probably sworn off 30 sec to mars songs for a few weeks
but jared leto will still be my wallpaper of the month .......